The Inner Buddha
November 17, 2021, 20:00 GMT
The journey to enlightenment and legendary life now includes print-ready remindfulness, social engagement tools, and online instructional videos for all readers
PRINCE GEORGE, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, November 17, 2021/ -- Readers of Be Your Greatest Self, the guidebook to enlightenment and legendary life, may now enjoy enhanced online services at This new supplemental site offers remindfulness tools that focus us on the goodness of life, videos detailing how we embrace unconditional love and overcome life’s common hurdles, and a selection of enlightenments that may be shared on social media. In addition, the site contains links to The Inner Buddha’s social accounts so that interested parties can subscribe and engage, as well as initial chapters of the guidebooks that can be downloaded as a preview.
Comments and reviews of the enlightenment guides have been resoundingly positive, but the first and second guidebook are very different. While the first focuses on personal healing and empowerment, the second reveals the advanced intellectual wisdom that underpins such enlightenments. Separating the online content of the first and second guidebook ensures that the foundation is in place before the more advanced view becomes focal.
“We guide people to greatness through a logical and rational process, with enlightenment building in layers,” says Chris Terai, author of the Enlightening Strikes series and CEO of The Inner Buddha. “To ensure people have a rapid and comfortable journey, we needed a website that would only present supplemental content relating to the guidebook our reader is viewing. Providing this content in one place streamlines the enlightenment process and helps people realize legendary lives at an optimal pace.”
Readers and other interested parties can view the website at All tools are available for viewing and public engagement, and previews of the first guidebook and journal can be downloaded using links within the site banner and menu.
About the book series: Enlightening Strikes guidebooks unleash personal potential through a three-stage process. Instruction begins with enlightenment, wherein we resolve our most troubling misbeliefs and an intrinsic lightness permeates life. Joyful satori follows; this pervasive happiness sustains when love becomes unconditional, for in being love, we are enveloped by love. Finally, we embrace transcendence, wherein life is defined by completeness, synergy, and empowerment; this occurs when we understand and integrate the order of All That Is into our daily life, while also helping others claim the same life-reforming alignments. This is the divine journey, and Enlightening Strikes guidebooks help us realize excellence throughout all three stages.
About the Be Your Greatest Self guidebook: Peace of mind, vitality, health, happiness, empowerment… they’re all related. They’re functions of our belief systems, for beliefs guide our actions and thereby shape the lives we live. Beliefs are also how we see the world, thereby forming the constraints of all joy. Beliefs are paramount within our life experience; they are the difference between our limited and greatest self, and what stands between the reality we know and legendary life.
To be our greatest self, we redivine beliefs. We dissolve discord by discovering how feelings really work. We learn the authentic nature of willpower, realizing objectives through wisdom and love instead of force. Vices and addictions? Conflicting loves of our lives lose their grip when the bliss of natural alignment is ours; this too is a matter of beliefs. Anger and depression, hatred and suffering, a hell in our past? All afflictions dissipate as wholesome beliefs move us into relation with all that is. Health and wellbeing are results of this greater harmony. This is the path to the legendary life, and it's the content of Be Your Greatest Self, book one of the Enlightening Strikes series.
Readers can begin with the Be Your Greatest Self guidebook as a stand-alone guide, or supplement it with the Enhanced Personal Journal for a premium experience.
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